So I got home about midnight lastnight from MO. It was a fun trip but I'm pretty exhausted today but luckily for me I get to deal with the taxes, yay! NO. So we had our taxes all prepared and Todd picked them up yesterday. Its my job to get everything mailed off and so on which I thought ok easy, no big deal. WRONG! Maybe it wouldn't be such a mess if we hadn't lived and worked in a million different places! We have Federal, Missouri, Utah and Virginia to file this year! Not to mention Todd's summer sales stuff really complicated things. So here I am looking at all this paper reading through all these instructions trying to get this all right. I took a break as you can see...because quite frankly I don't know what I'm doing nor is Todd here to sign what he needs to sign. So its about 1PM and this stuff needs to be in today so maybe its time to start stressing out, haha.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Our Moving Plan
Todd and I found an apt to rent while we house hunt. We are so excited because we found everything we wanted. Its in a great location, its big 1500 Sq ft, seperate everything, all utilities included, no extra charge for Jasmine, and no contract so when we find the perfect house we are free to go. Thanks craigslist!!! So, we have scheduled our plan of attack to gather our belongings from across the US. Step 1: I am flying to MO today to pack up all of our things that are at my parents house. I will be visiting and enjoying Easter with them as well. This isn't just a work trip... I fly back on the 14th. Step 2: Todd and his Uncle Todd will be flying to UT on the 16th. They will pick up our moving truck and take it to our storage unit and empty it out. Step 3: Drive to MO and pack up all of our belonging being stored at my parents house. Step 4: Drive to Ashburn VA and unload the truck. Step 5: Unpack and return truck Step 6: SLEEP! Hopefully all of this will be done by April 20th. So thats what the plan is, wish us luck!!!
Posted by KelsandToddO at 10:55 AM 3 comments