Friday, June 26, 2009


Its so hard to find time to keep up with all this stuff but I thought I better update our lives over here before it got way out of control and I have like a year to catch up on or something.
1. Todd and I moved into our apt the end of April.
2. I started my new job at the end of April as well.
3. I turned 22 on May 4th!
4. We have been searching for our home!
5. We found one we loved and bid on it BUT we lost the bid so the search continues...
6. My sister had a baby boy, Garrett!!! First Nephew of the bunch! He is so cute!
7. Todd turned 26 on June 24th!
I think I hit all the main points...and I did it w/o writing a book so I am quite proud of myself. I will let you know what else it new as soon as I remember to update. I will also get some pics up in here.


Brandt Lovell said...

you two rock. I love hearing from you... I texted todd on his birthday, but he never wrote me back!!

Courtney said...

Kelsey, I love how you made a numbered list of recent events- you're funny! Yeah, staying updated is hard- I don't think I've updated our blog for...a while:)