Tuesday, August 5, 2008


We're out her in Tucson for the summer and we are staying in apts. The people below us hate us! They usually keep our unit empty so they are mad they don't have the space and complete silence they are used to. So, we think they are trying to get us kicked out. A couple weeks ago management called us and said they got complaints of loud noises from our apt and blaring music till 4am and all this stuff. We explained to them that none of these things were true etc. We thought it was all good until a cop was knocking at our door. Yes, they called the cops on us, WOW! Jesse, the cop, said the neighbors say it sounds like we are jumping up and down on the floor every night from about 10pm-2am. We talked to Jesse and got it cleared up and by that I mean we all decided these people are crazy. Jesse was way cool and we just chilled for a while and he told us some cool cop stories and Todd made plans to set up security in his new home but we are still pissed that our neighbors are making up stuff in hopes we get the boot so they can have our covered parking space and nobody living above them. I told Jesse I think they are just bitter because they are older and still living in an apt and can't afford a house and they shouldn't take it out on us. Maybe if he didn't waste his money on alcohol and cigs...just a suggestion Mr. crazy neighbor man...


Courtney said...

yeah that's ridiculous. It cracks me up that you became friends with the cop and Todd sold him a security system!

LAnderson said...

ooh the life of kelsey and todd anderson :)

Brandt Lovell said...

Hrmm... was it noises from something else?

Pictures, or no proof!