Sunday, August 2, 2009
Our new steal of a deal bedroom set!!!
Posted by KelsandToddO at 5:32 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Our new home!!! :)
Posted by KelsandToddO at 8:41 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
Its so hard to find time to keep up with all this stuff but I thought I better update our lives over here before it got way out of control and I have like a year to catch up on or something.
1. Todd and I moved into our apt the end of April.
2. I started my new job at the end of April as well.
3. I turned 22 on May 4th!
4. We have been searching for our home!
5. We found one we loved and bid on it BUT we lost the bid so the search continues...
6. My sister had a baby boy, Garrett!!! First Nephew of the bunch! He is so cute!
7. Todd turned 26 on June 24th!
I think I hit all the main points...and I did it w/o writing a book so I am quite proud of myself. I will let you know what else it new as soon as I remember to update. I will also get some pics up in here.
Posted by KelsandToddO at 3:27 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
OH taxes
So I got home about midnight lastnight from MO. It was a fun trip but I'm pretty exhausted today but luckily for me I get to deal with the taxes, yay! NO. So we had our taxes all prepared and Todd picked them up yesterday. Its my job to get everything mailed off and so on which I thought ok easy, no big deal. WRONG! Maybe it wouldn't be such a mess if we hadn't lived and worked in a million different places! We have Federal, Missouri, Utah and Virginia to file this year! Not to mention Todd's summer sales stuff really complicated things. So here I am looking at all this paper reading through all these instructions trying to get this all right. I took a break as you can see...because quite frankly I don't know what I'm doing nor is Todd here to sign what he needs to sign. So its about 1PM and this stuff needs to be in today so maybe its time to start stressing out, haha.
Posted by KelsandToddO at 9:58 AM 3 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Our Moving Plan
Todd and I found an apt to rent while we house hunt. We are so excited because we found everything we wanted. Its in a great location, its big 1500 Sq ft, seperate everything, all utilities included, no extra charge for Jasmine, and no contract so when we find the perfect house we are free to go. Thanks craigslist!!! So, we have scheduled our plan of attack to gather our belongings from across the US. Step 1: I am flying to MO today to pack up all of our things that are at my parents house. I will be visiting and enjoying Easter with them as well. This isn't just a work trip... I fly back on the 14th. Step 2: Todd and his Uncle Todd will be flying to UT on the 16th. They will pick up our moving truck and take it to our storage unit and empty it out. Step 3: Drive to MO and pack up all of our belonging being stored at my parents house. Step 4: Drive to Ashburn VA and unload the truck. Step 5: Unpack and return truck Step 6: SLEEP! Hopefully all of this will be done by April 20th. So thats what the plan is, wish us luck!!!
Posted by KelsandToddO at 10:55 AM 3 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
First fire tuck had just arrived, can hardly see the house...
Todd and I went over to his Uncle Todd's house today to use their garage to change the oil in our cars. Todd had just finished working on my car so I parked it on the street and started getting in his car to pull his car up when I noticed it smelled like something was on fire. I stopped what I was doing...listened and I could hear an alarm. I walked down the street a little to see past the curve in the street and then I saw it...SMOKE, SMOKE!!! FIRE!!! The neighbors had already called the fire dept. and the family was just coming out of the house. I called Todd out and he went closer up to the house by the family and they said they were remodeling in the basement and there was a propane tank that must of caught fire. They said their kids weren't home and they got the dog out so everyone was safe. I have never seen anything like this in my life. I have seen house fires on the news but when your there in person its crazy. The smoke is overwhelming! It covered the entire neighborhood with a thick layer to the point where we couldn't see, like a very thick fog. It felt like it took the fire dept forever to get there, every second seemed like an hour. I was watching this family watch their home go up in flames and it was heartbreaking. The fire dept got there and they hooked up the hose just down the street and ran up to the house. They first broke out all of the windows and doors to let the smoke vent. As soon as they did this black smoke funneled out everywhere, it was horrible....watching and hearing them tear the house apart. We went back to Uncle Todd's house and closed the garage door and finished up on our cars because the smoke was horrible to breath in and I just couldn't watch anymore, it was so sad.
Posted by KelsandToddO at 4:03 PM 5 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
HGTV Dream Home 2009!
I love watching HGTV! Anyway, they do a dream home give-a-way every year and this year I entered every day. The home is in Sonoma California!!! It comes fully furnished, with a new GMC Acadia and even a dream home doggie house and we all know Jasmine Love deserves that! Sunday March 15th is when we find out who the winner is. I am so excited because its going to be me!!! (I am thinking positive) Everybody watch!!!
Sunday, March 15th, 8pm, 7pm central.
check out the pics at
Posted by KelsandToddO at 11:57 AM 6 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wasting time
I feel like venting! Have you ever been in a situation that you just get sick of being patient about? I'm there. I just hate how long my certification is taking because until I get certified and get a job we can't get a house which means we must stay in our current living condition which is wearing on me and I'm sure everyone else here. I also feel like I am wasting so much of my time doing stupid mundane things. There was the two hours of my life spent at the Social Security Office to change my last name after two years of marriage. Don't they get why us "woman" put this off! Then on Monday we got like 8 inches of snow. I waited till about noon so they could clear most of it then I went and got my emissions testing, my passport photos and then headed to the DMV. My GPS sent me somewhere completely wrong...anyway once I found the place I had the pleasant suprise of it being closed! So the next day I went back to waste 3-4 more hours of my life (I want back by the way)! I absolutely hate the DMV! There wasn't even enough parking for all the people there. There was a line out of the door just to talk to the information desk about what you need done, verify you have all the things you need and recieve your waiting ticket number. Then you go and sit for hours and then it took them like 30 min to help me, maybe more. I don't even know how long I was there all I know is when I got out it was almost 3pm. Then I went next door to the post office to send in my passport application. This was a walk in the park only taking me about an hour. I got home to spend about another 30 min getting my old plates off my car and putting my new ones on. Anyway, its over now and I don't have to do that stuff for a long time and that does put a smile on my face. Oh and I hate my background! I am not about to waste time finding one I do like though so sorry everyone! Ugly background is a keeper for a little while!
Posted by KelsandToddO at 8:40 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Not Much...
You know when people ask whats new and that kind of thing?... and we all say not much and things are fine, haha. We all do it, come on you do it! Its the lazy way of catching up with people... Some how Americans have officially found a short cut for EVERYTHING! Anyway I thought I'd post whats going on. Its just been really busy for us! Todd and I have been non-stop getting ourselves settled. Todd and I have been all over the place the last year, living across the country. Our belongings are all over the place etc. We cannot wait to find a home and get settled and have things back to a normal living situation. Todd is really busy with work and when he isn't working he's working on his security clearance for work, or working on things with his old job and so on. I'm busy studying for my final test which I have to get a good grade on! We are working a part time job for a promotional company as well which takes up our weekends usually. In between everything we're making the annoying trips to the DMV and so on... All the fun things you do when you move. Jasmine got her shots and I finally changed my last name to Anderson after putting off the social security office for years. It took my entire afternoon on the day I did go! Once I get my job I will fly to Canada for training so I will need to get a passport asap so I thought I would start with the name change. And once we find a house we will make the trip from Utah to here in the moving truck collecting our belongings on the way, haha. NO MORE STORAGE UNITS or taking up space at the parents house!!! We can tell this year is going to be really busy. A lot of changes going on but exciting changes! By the end of the year we plan to be in a home for sure, loving our space I'm sure and enrolled in more school. I want to continue on and get a degree in Interior design to add to the resume and Todd thinks he will continue his schooling and get a business degree, that could change... Personally I can't wait to have my treadmill and our king sized bed back! In the mean time I guess we better work on those taxes :(
Posted by KelsandToddO at 11:07 AM 1 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentines Day
Outside of Daily Grill before our dinner. (nice couple took our pic for us, thanks again!)
Posted by KelsandToddO at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Bad Dogs!
The other evening I was upstairs catching up on the Lost episode I missed. I'm watching the show and throughout the show I hear Jackson and Jasmine downstairs being loud and making noises like they do when they play. I thought it was great they were getting along and playing together so nicely. Then I hear Stephanie come home from work and I hear her asking Jackson (her dog) what he did and bad dog! I go down the stairs to find a disaster! Both the dogs had the most guilty faces and we knew they had ganged up together on this one. They had gone through the trash bag that was laying out and had been fighting over the food. There was trash all over the kitchen and it was nasty to pick up. Anyway they were both punished because this behavior is unacceptable!!! We were shocked becuase neither one of our dogs has ever done this kind of thing. We set the trash bags out all the time so the boys grab it on the way out to put it in the trash can. Thats how we know they decided to rebel, it was a Friday night... Do the crime pay the time puppies!
Jasmine's sad that I'm mad at her :(
Posted by KelsandToddO at 7:55 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
First Snow in VA turns out to be expensive
We loved our snow, that is until it turned into freezing rain which left a lovely sheet of ice on everything. Its actually still raining right now! Anyway, this morning when Todd went to de-ice his car he found a lovely suprise, A cracked windshield! It split across the entire thing too. The good news is he just had the inspection a couple days earlier so we don't have to fix it right away if we don't want to. I think we may just wait until the snow season is over because I heard on the news that ice has been flying off of cars on the highway and cracking other drivers windshields anyway. On the bright side it is quite a little show watching Jasmine try to walk on the ice, so funny!!!
Posted by KelsandToddO at 2:27 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
First Snow in VA
Today is the first snowfall of the winter season here in Virginia. It is beautiful! I took Jasmine out and she was so excited, she loves playing in the snow (for a short period of time). It's funny watching her watch the dancing snowflakes fall.One thing I love out here is all the walking trails. They are everywhere! And they look really pretty covered in snow too :)
Posted by KelsandToddO at 10:27 AM 4 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Today is a wonderful day!!! I slept in, woke up to some beautiful snow flurries, bundled up and went on a nice walk with Jasmine, then the best part happened!
***I made the GLORIOUS trip to the UPS store (in my fixed up car I might add!!) to ship my assignments for grading!***
I have worked non-stop the last couple months on these assignments and I feel so happy to have them all completed :)
Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way by lending moral support, sharing your ideas, your strong muscles (for moving furniture), helping me pick the best pictures to use, reading through my writing and editing, and for lending me your house (Nick&Steph, Sean&Jill, Mom&Dad:) I appreciate it all!!!
I will soon be the best Home Stager & Designer ever!!!!!!
Posted by KelsandToddO at 12:39 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My car is finally fixed!
December 27th 2007 I was hit by a truck on the 215 beltway in UT. They hit the back of me and I hit the car in front of me. The car I hit drove off (must of been illegals too) and the the truck that hit me pulled over for a little bit but then drove off as well. I followed them until they stopped in a Red Lobster parking lot and blocked them in till the cops got there. There were three illegal mexicans in the truck and they didn't speek any english. It was pretty creepy cause they got out of the truck and were walking around my car looking at it and talking to eachother in spanish. The guys didn't own this truck or have drivers licenses for that matter. The owner of the truck came to UT for work but when c
onstruction slowed
down they went back to AZ but didn't have money to drive the truck back. They left the truck at their brother-in-laws house in UT. The guys driving the truck were friends of these people. The whole thing was very shadey. The insurance lady told them to say the vehicle was stolen and was coaching them in how to get out of having to use their insurance (she was a friend of the family). I didn't want these people to get away with this and it was already so messy so I got a lawyer and waited for him to figure this stuff out. I knew that eventually the truth would catch up to all of the people involved and I was right. It took a long time but this lady finally cracked because she didn't want to get charged
with insurance fraud. They messed with the
wrong girl!!!
I am so happy to have my car fixed! They did a great job on it! My trunk was messed up for such a long time and water got in it which made the carpet mold so even my carpet is new in my trunk. My front bumper is new and my headlight fixed. My rear bumper and hood were fixed and repainted, my trunk lid is new, lights fixed in back!!! All the imperfections from over the years are gone as well, which is a plus!!! The Cavi is looking good, just like new!!!
Posted by KelsandToddO at 7:46 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Todd received his welcome letter yesterday for the job at American Systems!!! He went to headquarters and got all of the paperwork taken care of yesterday afternoon. Today he finished all of his testing and he starts tomorrow! The first month he will be working on a project with his brother which should be fun for them. We can start our loan process with our welcome letters so we're happy to be one step closer to finding a home out here as well! Things are starting to fall into place for us and we couldn't be happier!!!
Posted by KelsandToddO at 6:40 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Poor Jasmine
Posted by KelsandToddO at 7:51 PM 3 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Last weeks question was: How do you survive a forest fire while in a vehicle??
A. Stay in the vehicle until the fire burns past you.
B. Leave the vehicle immediately if the tank contains any gas.
C. Drive toward the fire to reach the safety of burned-out ground.
60% said B
40% said C
Posted by KelsandToddO at 1:33 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
WW Scale Luck!
Posted by KelsandToddO at 8:11 AM 7 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Christmas CONTINUED...
On Jan. 3rd we went to a secret santa party! It was good times! It was great because it made the holidays last even longer. Jill made a yummy dinner and we exchanged gifts, which was so fun! Nobody knew who had who (well Todd did) and it was just funny and rowdy, of course. As always good company, good food, and good fun! Brian is slightly taller than me at 7 f00t something...
The silly boys
Posted by KelsandToddO at 3:58 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I added the followers gadget on the top of our page...I'm getting a hang of this stuff people!!! Join on in!!!
Posted by KelsandToddO at 11:40 AM 0 comments